
Denominator operates in the ESG market and specialize in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, as a core factor of the social area of ESG. The data offerings include both raw data, scores, and ratings on companies globally and is applicable for use cases such as Investment Management, Supply Chain, and Corporate Benchmarking.

Investment Management

Manage DEI risk & identify opportunities within investment portfolios

Enrich existing ESG scorecards

Design DEI focused products

Stewardship & proxy-voting

Supply Chain

Assess suppliers’ DEI performance to maximize the stakeholder impact

Quantify spend impact

DEI sourcing of new suppliers

Corporate Benchmarking

Benchmark against peers

Track internal DEI efforts

Utilize standardized metrics for reporting

Executive performance assessment & incentive compensation



3 M





DEI Dimensions


DEI Indicators


Denominator has a global database with data and ratings on countries, industries and more than 3 million public and private companies. The database spans over 650+ unique DEI data variables .

Did you know that most World maps resemble the Mercantor projection which does not reflect the true size of countries.
This map is based on Neil Kaye’s mosaic approach, but there are other maps projections such as Gail-Peters and Winkel

Holistic approach to
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DEI covers multiple different dimensions.
Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Engagement, Opportunity, Disability are some of the dimensions, but the list is much longer. As a consequence, a holistic approach is essential when discussing, measuring, analyzing, or assessing DEI.

Most DEI efforts only focus on a single or maybe two DEI dimensions. A single or narrow approach to DEI leads to lost opportunities and minimizes the return on DEI investments. Denominator is the only provider that takes a holistic approach in all efforts and work as the guardian of neutral influence between the DEI dimensions. DEI should not be a zero-sum game, but a win/win investment.

The comprehensive approach at Denominator entails that we measure and score on more DEI dimensions and sub-dimensions than any other company in the market. That allows us to assist our clients to manage risk, identify opportunities and create sustainable improvements.


Denominator has the most detailed and comprehensive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ratings on the market. The sophisticated rating methodologies are built upon multiple international frameworks such as UN Global Compact’s SDG and World Economic Forum’s Gender Parity. The ratings have been made possible by the 650+ unique DEI indicators Denominator has available.

Country index

World’s most extensive DEI index for countries.

Industry index

World’s most extensive DEI index for industries.

Essential ratings

Rating for companies with no or limited disclosed DEI information.

Advanced ratings

Extensive DEI rating based on companies’ underlying multidimensional concept of DEI.

Certified ratings

Complete DEI rating based on companies’ across all DEI dimensions.

Rating scale

Driven by facts, analytics and numbers.


A wide range of News, Studies and Analytics are generated from Denominator’s data and ratings. We make all available through our Research platform creating a global DEI Library of public and proprietary knowledge.

Users can search and read directly via the user interface or link content to their own platforms via API/News feed.


Proprietary Research


#Diversity, #Gender, #Race/Ethnicity, #Age, #Sexuality, #Disability, #Education,
#Nationality, #Religion, #Urban, #Job, #Family, #Inclusion

Data Collection

Data collection and data maintenance are fundamentals pillars of Denominator. We do this via four main steps and strive to improve our efficiency and data governance every day.

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