Denominator ranked #1 on Completeness of Offering in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant ESG Data Solutions 2023

Data-driven decision-making is fundamental in today’s complex corporate environment. Companies lean on meticulous research, analysis, and evaluations to make informed choices, especially in the ESG Data Solutions space. Chartis, a renowned leader in this domain, has unveiled its latest findings in the RiskTech Quadrant® reports, offering insight into the evolving market dynamics of ESG Data Solutions. In the recent 2023 report, Denominator ranks #1 for completeness of the offering.

Denominator positioning is rooted in the rigor of Chartis’ methodology

Chartis adopts a robust methodology when developing its quadrant and placing vendors within it, ensuring transparency, credibility, and depth. The research lifecycle to get to the final ranking and place in the quadrant spans several months and undergoes multiple phases of independent verification. Data is amassed from a significant number of sources, including vendor evaluation forms, risk technology user surveys, in-depth interviews with industry experts, customer reference checks, and vendor briefing sessions. All these, supplemented by external sources like conferences, academic studies, and collaborations, ensure a thorough and balanced insight.

Central to Chartis’ methodology is the evaluation of two core dimensions: Completeness of Offering and Market Potential. Completeness of offering includes Depth of functionality, Breadth of functionality, Data management and technology infrastructure, Risk analytics, Reporting, and presentation layer, while Market Potential considers areas such as like Market penetration, Financials, and Growth strategy.

Denominator is the leading provider of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Data, Scores and Ratings. With the largest DEI database in the world and its holistic approach to DEI, Denominator provides a common language for DEI, helping institutional investors, organizations, and global leaders to better understand risk and opportunities and make informed decisions empowered by global social and DEI data. Denominator has been ranked #1 for completeness of offering within the space of ESG Data & Ratings Solutions, scoring high on several evaluation parameters adopted by Chartis:

  • Denominator scores significantly high for data sourcing and data transformation techniques. Denominator demonstrates excellence in data sourcing and leverages state-of-the-art data transformation techniques. This ensures that the data presented is not only accurate but also relevant and actionable. Moreover, Denominator prides itself on its transparency in data sources, providing its clients with full access to the source to the single data point.
  • Denominator scores are high in the categories of the breadth of entity coverage, roadmap, and strategy. This signifies Denominator has extensive coverage and a solid forward-looking strategy, propelling Denominator ahead of others.

A niche ESG Enterprise Solutions contender focused on DEI and Social factors in a sea of giants

Denominator is recognized among companies such as Moody’s, Bloomberg, S&P Global, MSCI, Sustainalytics, etc., renowned for expansive risk management technology platforms that intertwine applications with comprehensive data management, analytics, and BI. Among industry leaders, Denominator stand stands tall. As a specialized provider of global social & DEI data within the broader ESG market, Denominator would not expect to be the market leader in the quadrant, but thrilled to see the acknowledgment of Denominator’s solution being ranked #1 in terms of completeness of offering.

Chartis’ recognition is a profound testament to Denominator’s work. The company has positioned itself alongside industry leaders, known for great offerings and solutions, a testament to its holistic offering and approach to DEI scores and ratings. Denominator provides a unique value proposition in the market and is perfectly positioned given the market push for de-aggregation of the E, S, & G. In recognition of Denominator’s offering of global social DEI data, Dylan Basset, Senior Research Specialist at Chartis, stated:

“Many ESG providers devote significant energy to collecting accurate and comprehensively reported ESG metrics and indicators, but several category specialists are coming to prominence, offering a fundamentally different proposition built on enhanced views of sustainability combined with alternative data analytics – a differentiated approach adopted by Denominator, and reflected in its DEI Data & Scorings recognition by Chartis”.

Want to learn more about Denominator and offerings within global social DEI data? Please reach out to or get in contact with our team via the form below.

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